Here's Why No Role Needs to be Hard-to-Fill
In last week’s webinar, we discussed why every company struggles with hard-to-fill roles, be it tied to department, location, brand, or any number of things. What’s been interesting is that these challenges should actually be going away, especially as more companies expand their recruiting pools to welcome candidates from different schools and backgrounds given (i) the importance of diversity and (ii) recognition that academic pedigree doesn’t predict a great hire.
Ironically, this has actually created a new set of challenges (and opportunities) for companies. For example, while more companies expand recruiting efforts to include HBCUs (a really good thing), they are finding they can’t expect to just show up and see results. In some cases, it’s because students have preconceived notions about the industry or brand, especially if the backgrounds of current executives don’t showcase the company’s “equitable pathways” to senior leadership. In others, it’s because students haven’t been hearing about the company from their peers, and don’t see many alumni from their LinkedIn search. And no number of webinars, info sessions, or email campaigns will overcome this.
However, this has also created an incredible opportunity for employers, schools, and students. For example, Howard University recently announced a new opportunity for employers to engage its students on short-term, paid projects. Not only does this help organizations build relationships in the way students want to be engaged, it also helps Howard students gain the experiences they crave.
Another great example is the work of the Pennsylvania Bankers Association. Through this program, the Association’s members can look beyond just those students pursuing degrees in finance or with certain backgrounds, gaining exposure to students who might otherwise get missed. In addition, for those students who think roles in financial services only exist in the big cities, this provides exposure to opportunities beyond New York and Boston.
As we’ve seen during the past six years, no role needs to be “hard-to-fill.” And while it does require some intentionality to get there, it doesn’t need to be difficult.
Jeffrey Moss, Founder and CEO
Articles of the Week
The Win-Win of Micro-Internships - Crain’s Chicago Business
Fortune 500 Shows Incremental Progress on Diversity - HR Dive
Webinar Recap: Hard-to-Fill Roles - Parker Dewey
The Win-Win of Micro-Internships - Crain’s Chicago Business
“Micro-Internships let students develop a portfolio of real experiences to showcase to prospective employers in a way the employers are used to assessing. In addition, they allow employers to provide ‘job auditions’ to students in a scalable way to get better insights into their skills.”
Parker Dewey Founder and CEO Jeffrey Moss sat down with Crain’s Chicago Business to discuss the state of early-career employment and changing trends around finding jobs. In this interview, Jeffrey explains the “why” behind Micro-Internships, how they can create a more equitable workplace, and the most common early-career recruiting challenges.
Related reading: Summer 2021: The State of Campus Recruiting
Fortune 500 Shows Incremental Progress on Diversity - HR Dive
"While little has been written regarding Fortune Global 500 diversity, it's safe to say the domestic 500's inclusion rate is dismal. According to analysis from Deloitte and the Alliance for Board Diversity, it will take more than 50 years for minorities to comprise 40% of Fortune 500 board seats."
This year, the Fortune 500 has 23 women CEOs at the helm, including six women of color, marking an all-time high. Still, representation for women-led Fortune 500 organizations has grown at a “viscous drip,” and even more so for Black, South Asian, and East Asian women leaders. That’s why it’s vital for companies to focus on early-career talent to address this issue and give exposure—and opportunities to learn through project-based work—to underrepresented candidates in the beginning career stages.
Related reading: The Intersection of Diversity and Campus Recruiting
Webinar Recap: Hard-to-Fill Roles - Parker Dewey
“‘What I want [students] to see is that Trane Technologies is more than AC and truck freezers.’ So far, Trane has hosted Micro-Internships in both the operations (think manufacturing and supply chain) and HR departments—roles that might not come to mind immediately when thinking about Trane.’”
Every company has those roles that just won’t fill. In this webinar, we covered some of the reasons behind these roles, what students are looking for from recruiters, and one solution to help solve this challenge. Check out this post for insights from Shannon Wade, Strategic Recruiting Consultant at Trane Technologies, and Parker Dewey's Founder and CEO, Jeffrey Moss.
Related reading: What Students and Recent Grads Want from Recruiting Experiences
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