Student Success: Lily's Kansas Micro-Internships
Meet Lily, a rising junior at Kansas State University selected for, as of this writing, seven Micro-Internships. We chatted with Lily about the Kansas Micro-Internship Program, how her academic coursework has connected with her hands-on project experiences, and her advice for students and Kansas companies considering Micro-Internships.
Q: How did you hear about Parker Dewey?
Lily first noticed that Kansas companies offered Micro-Internships through Parker Dewey.
In Lily's words: "I can help this company by making social media posts for them for the next two months and make about $700...okay, I'm going to do that!"
Q: What interested you about the Kansas Micro-Internship Program?
Lily shared that the opportunity to make an impact in her local community drew her to the program. She was also excited by the type of projects offered by Kansas companies. Out of her seven completed and ongoing Micro-Internships, two have been part of the Kansas Micro-Internship Program.
Q: Have you approached your Micro-Internships with specific goals?
Throughout her projects, Lily has strived to build both technical skills and core skills, especially relationship building— she's aimed to "actually get to know the company" she's working for. Lily advises to "always have the relations side in mind," as you never know what will happen as you build your network.
Q: How have your Micro-Internships connected with your academic work?
With a major in Strategic Communications and minors in Leadership Studies and Non-Profit Management, Lily's been able to bring what she's learned in the classroom to her Micro-Internships. Lily explained, "I could see what I learned in class pay off in the real world, and that was one of the first times that actually happened."
Q: What have your manager relationships looked like across your Micro-Internships?
Every managerial style is different—and Lily shares that she's had experiences with both hands-on and hands-off managers. Either way, she suggests that Micro-Interns "be as transparent as possible," as you never know where your Micro-Internship will take you down the road!
Q: What advice do you have for Kansas companies considering Micro-Internships?
For Kansas companies, Lily recommends explaining how the opportunity will impact the local community. When people "know they can have a ripple effect somewhere else, they're a lot more eager to do it because they can see the results of what they're doing."
Q: What advice do you have for students and recent grads considering Micro-Internships?
According to Lily: If a project interests you, go for it! Projects are added to the Parker Dewey platform every day, and as Lily suggests, "Find something that's appealing to you. Don't do it just to do it."
Q: Any final words of wisdom for students or companies considering Micro-Internships?
Lily will graduate from Kansas State University in 2022.