Posting a Custom Micro-Internship Project
While there are plenty of pre-templated Micro-Internships at your disposal in Parker Dewey’s project library, you may find that you have unique project needs that aren’t addressed by our existing templates. If this is the case, you're welcome to post a custom project!
(Click here if you're posting through the DeLuca program)
To make sure the project is appropriate to post as a Parker Dewey Micro-Internship, ask yourself two questions:
Is this project professional? Parker Dewey is designed to help you get more done while also providing students and recent graduates with paid, professional experience. Accordingly, is the project something that would typically be assigned to a traditional intern or maybe even a new full-time hire? If so, it’s probably an appropriate project!
Is there a specific deliverable? Parker Dewey Micro-Internships are not designed to replace W-2 employment opportunities. If you are looking for someone to manage ongoing tasks or responsibilities, your needs will likely not be met by a Micro-Internship. That stated, a Micro-Internship project can be a great way to determine whether a candidate would be a good fit for those ongoing or longer term needs. Some companies have even revolutionized their recruiting process doing this!
If you answered yes to both of the above, you’re ready to post your custom Micro-Internship! To make sure the description clearly reflects the scope, required skills, and goals of your custom project, we recommend using the following guide:
Part 1: Clarify the nature of the project
Let candidates know whether this is a single on-demand need, or if there's potential for this project to turn into a longer-term role.
- Our company is seeking on-demand project support.
- This Micro-Internship could lead to future projects or opportunities.
- This Micro-Internship project has the potential to lead to a specific longer-term opportunity.
Part 2: Define a specific deliverable
For the project to be a Micro-Internship, there must be a specific deliverable that, once completed, indicates the end of the Micro-Internship. If you find yourself describing ongoing tasks as opposed to specific deliverables, we'd be happy to work with you to define a specific project. You can reach out via this form.
Formula: The successful Micro-Intern will (deliver / create / present / define / produce / etc. ) a (20-record / set of 3 / 12-slide / roughly 12-page / 1,000 word / etc.) (report / marketing materials / presentation / documentation / blog post / etc.) with the goal of (what’s the overarching purpose of this project? Identifying new potential clients / promoting our brand to a target audience / highlighting how our company accomplishes ‘x’ / etc. )
Specific example: The successful Micro-Intern will deliver a 20-record report with the goal of identifying new potential clients.
Part 3: Clarify the experience the Micro-Intern will gain and be able to share
By detailing what the Micro-Intern will be able to add to their resume, you make it easier for them to determine if this is a project of interest or one that will help them with their longer-term career goals.
Formula: Upon successful completion of this project, the Micro-Intern will be able to add the following to their resume:
- Action verb + quantify + impact
Example: Upon successful completion of this project, the Micro-Intern will be able to add the following to their resume:
- Reviewed over 150 registrations from a recent conference, identifying which attendees were potential new clients and sharing that information and potential pain points with the appropriate full-time sales professional
Example: Custom Project Description
Looking for the project library? Click here to see Parker Dewey's pre-scoped projects.
To post your project through the DeLuca program, click here.
Have questions about the above or want to brainstorm potential Micro-Internship projects? Fill out this form to connect with a member of the Parker Dewey team.