Parker Dewey Identifies The Top Human Resources Trend of 2018
Gig-to-career freelance model improves hiring effectiveness
Parker Dewey, a Chicago based organization that improves college-to-career transitions, announced that it has identified the top human resources trend of 2018: the emergence of gigs as a pathway to improve hiring effectiveness. Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) estimates that the number of companies using gig workers has grown over 60% per year since 2012; however, companies have focused on leveraging gigs primarily to access international labor or address single-instance needs. Now, human resource leaders recognize that short-term professional assignments can be used as a more effective way to identify and hire candidates, especially those from diverse or non-traditional backgrounds according to Parker Dewey data from the first quarter of 2018.
The gig-to-career model has gained significant traction for hiring college students and recent graduates as companies recognize that major, academic pedigree, and GPA do not predict career success or fit. "We were looking to justify adding a Junior Analyst to our Credit team," shared Greg Watkins, Talent Acquisition leader at M. Holland Company. "Not only did [the student] help us scope the role, we determined she was an ideal fit based on the quality of her work and fit for our culture."
Unlike traditional freelance models, college students and recent grads have intrinsic motivation to exceed expectations. "While we were focused on just getting some help on a project, we quickly realized that the student was incredible, and ultimately hired her as a summer intern," said Adam Hecktman, Microsoft's Director of Technology & Civic Innovation. "We saw her work ethic and skills, and got an inside track on hiring her."
This new model is already receiving tremendous support from academic institutions. "Many of our students pursue majors with names that don't sound like job titles – this helps them understand how the skills developed in philosophy, history, and other courses relate to those jobs they will have after graduation," said Lori Sparger, the Chief Operating Officer of Purdue University's College of Liberal Arts. "In addition, our students seek advice on these assignments from faculty and staff members as well as alumni, driving engagement in a way that goes beyond the classroom or typical conversations."
College students and recent graduates are also benefiting from the increase in gigs: gaining professional experience, generating income, getting in the door at companies, building professional networks, and exploring career paths. "I now have a better idea on what it's like working in different departments and industries, and understand what roles would be best for me when I graduate. Plus, the variety of these experiences has helped my resume stand out and show me as more than a GPA and hourly jobs," shares Noel Arellano, a Dell Scholar graduating from Texas A&M in 2019.
About Parker Dewey
Parker Dewey, the largest freelance platform for college students and recent graduates, helps companies get immediate support on short-term, professional assignments through Micro-Internships. Not only can companies get support on tasks that may otherwise be neglected or completed by employees whose time is better spent elsewhere, they can also build a pipeline of diverse candidates for longer-term roles. For Career Launchers, Parker Dewey provides the opportunity to demonstrate their skills, explore careers, develop their networks, and generate income as they seek internships and full-time roles. Academic institutions also benefit from insights to enhance relationships with employers, effectively engage alumni and professors as mentors, and drive academic and career outcomes for students and recent graduates.