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    The basics


    Parker Dewey is the largest nationwide network of highly-motivated Career Launchers and business professionals working together on Micro-Internships. As a consulting firm, Parker Dewey helps companies more effectively complete tasks and improve hiring. We do this by contracting with college students and recent graduates who want to work on short-term, professional projects so that they can generate income while demonstrating capabilities and gaining practical experience.


    Benefits for Career Launchers (Contractors)

    • Experience - work on interesting projects and explore career options

    • Relationships - develop your network with potential employers

    • Access - demonstrate your capabilities

    • Income – earn money for completing the engagement

    To learn more and sign up as a Career Launcher, click here.


    Benefits for Companies (Clients)

    • Flexibility - access resources when you need them, and you set the requirements

    • Ease - use it the way you want without the administrative burden

    • Insight – identify those with the skill and cultural fit

    • Risk-free - no cost to join or obligation to use

    To learn more and create a free Company account, click here.


    Benefits for Universities

    • Improve student job placement

    • Refine program curriculum

    • Deepen alumni relations

    • Expand relationships with existing and prospective employers

    • Enhance academic outcomes

    • Drive enrollment success

    To learn more about a free partnership with Parker Dewey, click here.

     We also partner with non-profit organizations and associations focused on connecting great talent to great companies. Learn more here.


    Micro-Internships are short-term, paid, professional assignments that are similar to those given to new hires or interns. These projects enable Career Launchers to demonstrate skills, explore career paths, and build their networks as they seek the right full-time role. Unlike traditional internships, Micro-Internships can take place year-round, typically range from 10 to 40 hours of work, and are due between one week and one month after kickoff. Micro-Internships are used by companies ranging from those in the Fortune 100 to emerging start-ups, and go across departments including sales, marketing, technology, HR, and finance. All Micro-Internships on the Parker Dewey platform are fixed-fee, paid engagements.


    Career Launchers are highly-motivated college students and recent graduates who are seeking to gain professional experience while demonstrating their talent and skills. Learn more about Parker Dewey's network of Career Launchers.


    Micro-Intern assignments are comparable to those typically given to skilled new hires—think conducting market research, performing financial analyses, assisting in lead generation, and crafting internal and external communication materials. Companies partner with us to provide services across a variety of departments, industries, and organization sizes.

    To see our library of example Micro-Internships, visit:

    While Micro-Interns can work on a lot of great projects, it is not appropriate for Micro-Interns to be doing a project that requires access to confidential or other sensitive information.
    Additionally, Micro-Internships should not involve direct interaction with vulnerable populations including minors (individuals under the age of 18), individuals in a hospital or medical facility, and the elderly.
    If you have any questions, please reach out to Parker Dewey's Client Success Team using our Contact Form

    Unlike a traditional internship, Micro-Internships typically range from five to 40 hours of work. Most clients request that the deliverable be submitted between one week and one month after a project kicks off. We recommend that clients unbundle larger projects into shorter, individual assignments for maximum flexibility and greater opportunity to work with a diverse array of Career Launchers.


    We’ve seen greater success at attracting Career Launchers from diverse backgrounds through remote projects—providing flexibility on when and where the assignment is completed. When posting a project, clients determine if they want a project completed on-site, remotely, or through a combination. 


    Internships, externships, co-ops, and college consulting engagements have a much more significant commitment with limited flexibility. These types of programs tend to last at least ten weeks, are timed around the academic calendar, and require significant oversight to plan and manage.

    In comparison, Parker Dewey offers flexibility around project length and timing, and provides immediate access to talent. This permits Career Launchers to determine their availability, while allowing the project to be completed according to a client’s schedule and needs. Since each Career Launcher is expected to have the expertise to successfully complete the engagement on their own, clients do not need to provide the support typical for an intern.

    Similar to an internship or co-op program, Parker Dewey provides an excellent way of evaluating an individual’s skill fit with a company, should a full-time hiring need arise. In fact, Micro-Internships  complement existing internship and campus hiring programs—with many companies using these assignments to introduce their program to Career Launchers, identify high-potential candidates, and evaluate them in an authentic setting.

    Furthermore, these mutual auditions allow companies and Career Launchers to both effectively assess fit prior to committing to an internship or full-time role.


    Parker Dewey exclusively works with skilled Career Launchers—those current students or recent university graduates who want to demonstrate their skills while forming professional relationships. As a result, the work quality is superior, as the consultants are focused on exceeding expectations and are interested in full-time opportunities (unlike some temporary labor that may be just interested in the paycheck or lack the characteristics that would make them successful in a full-time role). In addition, engagements are completed on a fixed-fee basis as opposed to the hourly model favored by most providers of temporary labor.

    Unlike staffing firms, both Parker Dewey’s clients and Career Launchers determine if there is mutual interest, ensuring a better working relationship as they best understand if the assignment, skills, and personality required to successfully execute a project are aligned. This means that Career Launchers apply only for assignments that interest them—and companies avoid relying on a judgement call by a staffing firm. 

    A scenario we're often asked about: What happens when there's mutual interest between the client and consultant in pursuing a full-time role or internship? Unlike many other organizations, there's no fee due to Parker Dewey. In fact, we LOVE when we can help facilitate a mutually beneficial full-time professional opportunity.

    From employers


     Our clients determines engagement cost—including project scope and deliverables.

    All projects are priced with a fixed fee and usually equate to $15-$25/hour. Students receive 90% of the payment, while Parker Dewey retains the remaining 10% to cover expenses. Students see projects listed at 90% of what the company enters, so they know exactly how much they are going to receive upon completion.  

    Beyond the cost of the engagement itself, there are no additional fees charged by Parker Dewey, even if you decide to hire someone for a traditional internship or full-time role off the platform. We love it when this happens!

    Additionally, there are no fees for Career Launchers to apply and work on Micro-Internships or be a member of our network.


    Beyond the cost of the engagement, there are no additional fees charged by Parker Dewey. There are no additional costs to register, serve as a Career Launcher, or access Parker Dewey’s content library.

    Furthermore, Parker Dewey encourages its clients to hire Career Launchers for internships or as full-time employees, and we minimize barriers to employment by not charging any finder’s fee to either party. (We LOVE when we can help facilitate a mutually beneficial full-time professional opportunity!)


    No payment is required to post a project or evaluate Career Launchers. Payment is made to Parker Dewey only at the time the engagement begins (i.e. when the specific Career Launcher is selected by the client). Parker Dewey holds these funds in escrow until the completion of the project is approved by the client.

    Payment for this business service can be made via credit card, electronic bank transfer, or check. We are also willing to work directly with our clients if any other methods are preferred.


    In short, it’s easy as Parker Dewey handles it all.  No HR burdens. No conversion fees. No questions about ownership or worries about confidentiality.

    Employment: Micro-Interns are not your employees, contractors, interns, temps, or freelancers. Similar to working with a consulting firm or any other service provider, you are engaging Parker Dewey LLC to complete the assignment, and each individual you select is a contractor or employee of Parker Dewey. You can still directly interact with them as much or little as you would like, and always have the opportunity to hire them directly without any costs or fees.

    Liability: We’re mission-driven and believe in the power of creating opportunities. That said, we take on all the liability. Not happy with the work product? We’ll give you a full refund or find an alternate Career Launcher. 

    Work Product: All work product is owned by you. 

    Confidentiality: While most projects involve public-facing information of a non-sensitive nature, both Parker Dewey and all Career Launchers sign strict NDAs to protect your information. In addition to the standard provisions, the students understand that they are risking their academic transcript or expulsion for any violation of confidentiality.

    Background Checks: Given the short-term nature and structure of these assignments, we do not conduct background checks. While companies are always welcome to conduct a background check directly, the nature of the specific assignments and lack of a direct relationship with the individual who is selected has caused most organizations to defer the background check until after a Micro-Internship is completed and a student is offered a traditional internship or full-time role.


    Parker Dewey work directly with hiring managers across departments, as well as human resources for company-wide campus recruiting programs. Many department heads use Parker Dewey to get work done on-demand while building a talent pipeline for sales, marketing, finance, operations, and just about every other department.

    Furthermore, since the Career Launchers are highly skilled and have the experience or completed the prerequisite coursework to prepare them to execute these engagements, companies do not need to provide managerial oversight or control.


    You can post a project in under five minutes using our library of pre-defined Micro-Internships. Additionally, companies can either create custom assignments or can use our Project Builder templates to adapt existing projects. After posting the project, interested candidates can be reviewed and selected quickly—and the timeline for  deliverables is up to you. 


    Since each client best understands the skills, profile, and personality required to successfully execute a project, it's up to you—the company—to determine how you want to evaluate candidates. Given the short-term nature of the engagements and the consulting relationship, this is typically much more streamlined than the process of making a hiring decision. Many organizations select a consultant based solely upon the individual’s profile and answers to project-specific questions, though some also request work samples, or conduct phone interviews.


    Clients should expect work quality comparable to that of a skilled intern or new hire. As Career Launchers, the students and recent graduates on Parker Dewey are focused on exceeding expectations as they seek to demonstrate their skills. In addition, Career Launchers have access to resources and insights that may not typically be considered by industry veterans, allowing them to bring a unique perspective to the task.


    Upon completion of the engagement, you have the opportunity to provide an overall rating, along with an evaluation of the performance in five specific areas: timeliness, communication, quality, presentation, and skill level. In addition, companies can offer confidential feedback directly to the Career Launcher, providing professional development similar to what an individual might receive from a mentor.

    In all cases, Parker Dewey does not publish this feedback, nor is there any form of rating on our platform. We believe Career Launchers benefit from these real-time insights as they explore careers and hone their skills.


    In short, no. We make it really, really easy.

    Your company pays a fixed fee to Parker Dewey to execute a project. Similar to other consulting firms, you can select a specific individual to execute that assignment and communicate with them directly, but the business relationship is with Parker Dewey itself. The Terms of Service between Parker Dewey and both Career Launchers and Clients further elaborates on this, and Parker Dewey receives a physically signed copy of this from all of its contractors before a project begins.

    The specific Career Launchers working on these engagements are not employees or 1099 independent contractors of our clients—meaning  no administrative, accounting, or HR burden for your company.


    All consultants are subject to the Nondisclosure and Assignment agreements included in the Terms of Use. Beyond the legal ramifications of violating this agreement, it is presumed that the Career Launchers understand the impact that violation of these agreements would have on their opportunities for future employment and the status of their relationship with their university. If you would like to supplement this with your own Nondisclosure and/or Assignment agreements, you may do so directly with the Career Launcher.


    See examples of projects in our project library.  Each of these can be refined to your specifications and posted within a handful of clicks. You can also customize your own project.


    When posting a project, you can limit your post to specific candidates by adding desired schools or affiliations. By including specific Schools or Affiliations/Programs in this section, your project will only be visible to those with those schools or affiliations/programs on their profile. If you are participating through a program, make sure to add the program name in the Affiliations/Programs section or you may be invoiced. 

    If you are unsure if you need add an affiliation to your project, and you have already created an account,
    please submit a support request to review your project.

    From students & recent grads


    To apply for these Micro-Internships, you must create a Career Launcher account on Parker Dewey. Doing so takes less than five minutes, and once you've set up your profile, you'll be able to view and apply for available Micro-Internship projects.

    After you've submitted an application, the company will be able to view it. At this point, they may message you with follow-up questions, or to schedule a brief interview, but many organizations will make their selection based entirely on the profile and application responses, without any further interview process. You'll be notified via email if you've received a message or been selected.

    If you'd like a review of tips for making your profile and applications stand out, check out Parker Dewey's Career Launcher Tutorial, review these strategies for acing short-answer application questions, or feel free to join Parker Dewey at one of their regularly scheduled FAQ webinars.


    Once you register with Parker Dewey as a Career Launcher, you can review open Micro-Internship requests. This provides details of the engagement, including the expected deliverable, anticipated time commitment, due date, industry, and compensation. Simply click to apply and respond to any project-specific follow-up questions asked by the client. The company reviews incoming applicants and if selected, you will be notified of the next steps.


    Parker Dewey handles paying Career Launchers directly once a project is completed. Career Launchers have the option of receiving a direct deposit or physical check. Click here to check out our Payment FAQs.

    You'll also always see exactly what you'll be paid before you apply to the project. No bidding on a project or setting up invoicing, either—we take care of the rest.


    As a Career Launcher, you're an independent contractor—not an employee of either Parker Dewey or our clients. We recommended that you categorize your Micro-Internship(s) under the heading “Independent Consultant” and highlight each engagement separately or by category. Career Launchers are subject to the Nondisclosure Agreement in the Terms of Use, and therefore should be sensitive to the level of detail provided. Career Launchers may request that a client review the content or can contact Parker Dewey for feedback.


    Each school has different requirements for academic credit, including the length of time and project requirements. Parker Dewey is happy to share this data with schools after project completion for credit consideration. Due to the on-demand nature and availability of Micro-Internships, we do not allow universities to require participation in Micro-Internships, but instead, offer this as one of many opportunities for students to gain professional experience. We make no guarantee that students who have created a profile and applied for a project will be selected for an opportunity. 


    Projects completed through Parker Dewey are available to international students who are either affiliated with one of our partner programs, or those attending a US-based college or university. In both cases, the student must have approved Curricular Practical Training (CPT), Optional Practical Training (OPT), or other work authorization.

    If you are a current F-1/J1 international student, you will need to confirm your eligibility to work before you are able to apply to projects. It is strongly advised to contact international student support staff at your institution regarding information on eligibility for work authorization to ensure compliance with internship requirements and USCIS regulations.


    Current students and alumni do not need to have DACA or TPS to apply to Micro-Internships.  All Micro-Internships are structured as independent contract work, which means successful applicants would be hired by Parker Dewey as independent contractors.

    Other Considerations:

    You may use your work authorization or a valid ITIN to be paid as an independent contractor.

    You may already have an ITIN if your parents ever filed income taxes and claimed you as a dependent. You can find out if you have an ITIN in your parents’ tax forms.

    If you have an ITIN, make sure to find out if it has expired. If it has, you will need to renew it. Find information on ITIN expiration and renewal here.

    If you do not have an ITIN, you can learn how to obtain one here: ITIN Guide or this video from Immigrants Rising.


    No. Per our contractor terms, Micro-Interns must be at least 18 years of age to apply and work on projects via Parker Dewey.


    Yes. We welcome any interested individual to participate in a Micro-Internship, irrespective of academic pedigree. However, students who have access to on-campus services like their career center, alumni network, faculty, student organizations, and even free or discounted software generally have an easier time succeeding in project completion.


    Individuals can add Parker Dewey to their safelist should they find messages being routed to their SPAM folder. The safelisting process differs between email providers. Refer to your email provider's associated help documentation for information on safelisting on your client of choice. Here are instructions from some of the most popular email providers:

    Safelisting in Apple Mail

    Safelisting in Exchange 365 and Outlook 2016

    Safelisting in Gmail

    Safelisting in Outlook Connected to Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 and 2010

    Safelisting in Yahoo! Mail

    From educational institutions


    As a partner, we make it easy for you to share Micro-Internships with all your stakeholders. This includes providing a custom portal for your students, employer partners, and alumni to sign up for the platform; marketing materials to help you launch your program; newsletter, webinar, and other outreach to share best practices; and data to help you measure the engagement of your students, employers, and alumni with these opportunities.

    Additionally, when companies post projects specifically for your students, we notify our university partners so you can spread the word to any interested students. 


    Parker Dewey has no-cost partnerships available to all higher education institutions, including universities, colleges, and community colleges. Parker Dewey partnership is also available to nonprofits, workforce development organizations, boot camps, and training programs. 


    There's no cost associated with becoming a Parker Dewey partner. 

    Alumni are eligible to complete Micro-Internships as long as they wish after completing their academic program.  Typically, after a year or more of professional experience in one’s target field, these opportunities are no longer of interest, but Parker Dewey does not delete Career Launcher accounts unless the individual requests us to do so.

    Since Parker Dewey Micro-Internships are all paid opportunities, international students are welcome to complete these projects if they have the appropriate work authorization (CPT, OPT, or a work visa).




    Each school has different requirements for academic credit, including the length of time and project requirements. Parker Dewey is happy to share this data with schools after project completion for credit consideration. Due to the on-demand nature and availability of Micro-Internships, we do not allow universities to require participation in Micro-Internships, but instead, offer this as one of many opportunities for students to gain professional experience. We make no guarantee that students who have created a profile and applied for a project will be selected for an opportunity. 


    Safelisting IP Address for Parker Dewey Career Launcher Emails

    Safelisting ensures that Parker Dewey emails land in your students' inboxes.

    When you safelist an Internet Protocol (IP) address, you are identifying the sender from that IP as a trusted source to your mail server. This should help to ensure that emails being sent to you from that source are placed into your inbox and not in the spam folder. 

    Parker Dewey has secured a dedicated email sending IP to safeguard our messages from the impacts of other senders, and to make it easier for organizations to safelist Parker Dewey Career Launcher emails without opening up the potential to an increase in SPAM.

    Please forward this information to your IT department with the request to safelist our dedicated IP at the organization-wide level. Our dedicated IP is:

    Additional Context for IT Departments About Parker Dewey Career Launcher Email

    Parker Dewey sends emails to registered Career Launcher users (college students, recent graduates, and early-career talent that have registered to utilize our platform) via a dedicated IP to ensure application best practices, tips for applying, project notifications, and Micro-Internship alerts have the highest likelihood of reaching their inbox. 

    • Email sent from Parker Dewey to Career Launchers typically comes from (transactional) and (optional marketing messages focused on best practices and tips for utilizing Micro-Internships). 
    • Emails are only sent from Parker Dewey to registered users of our platform and individuals who opt-in to receive best practices. 
    • At any time, Career Launchers may opt-out of emails, as well as deactivate their account on Parker Dewey. 
    • Per our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, Parker Dewey will never sell or rent student names, e-mail addresses, or any other personally identifiable information to third-parties.
    • Moving forward, all student-facing emails will be routed through out dedicated IP:

    If you have additional questions, you can reach out to